Bitch Wire

I was becoming the person with many slips of paper
in her purse. Sobriety adjacent, sandal-wearing,
country fling garden instead of beastly wild pocket.
Maybe in the dream I wore a wire, recorded
my own heart-flex. So many of us want this episode
to end, but it’s beyond live, and the coyotes just
pups in an abandoned snowplow tire, dots of polish
on plastic frost. We all compared our levels
of preservation, the goal to resist change like a hill
pounded yearly by weeds. Some mechanism
got me from one point to another, adolescent bus
entering but not exiting the damp underpass
tagged Stairway to Heaven back when relevant.
Like many, I poured my best years into
a Springform pan, but they were stupid years.

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Mary Biddinger’s poetry collection Department of Elegy will be published by Black Lawrence Press in early 2022. Her poems and flash fiction have recently appeared or are forthcoming in The Adroit Journal, Bennington Review, DIAGRAM, On the Seawall, The Laurel Review, and Southern Indiana Review, among others. She teaches literature and creative writing at the University of Akron and NEOMFA program, and serves as poetry editor for the University of Akron Press. Read more about her work at