You Look Good in Pixels

Before our breakup, I erased every article & noun
in my horoscope until the verbs galloped at me like gods.

In my dreams, you’re better (less bitter),
a ghost grown into the hazel shadows

of a prohibition bar, fingering my menstrual cup
as I swill lavender gin (feeling nothing). We repeat

this in many shapeless spaces to prove
a dream can make any place a bedroom.

Pastel skylines & electric wires
saturate my blue-lit bedtime face:

I thought I had the power. But here I am
hovering my cursor as you eat molten

chocolate cake on a date with whoever makes a ghost
of me (am I bitter?) I refresh the feed—

mercy on my cavernous sweet tooth.

Author Photo by @kalenjessephotography

Author Photo by @kalenjessephotography

Molly Davidson (she/her) is a lesbian writer, artist, and river runner from Colorado. Her poetry has previously appeared in Nurture Literary, Staind Magazine, Rust & Moth, and American Chordata. Her writing is forthcoming in Superfroot Magazine. She is an MFA candidate at Sarah Lawrence College. You can reach her on Twitter @molls_hale.